Tuesday 15 February 2011

Phoenix from the Flames

I produced this sculpture to help unravel some of the ambiguous demands made about today’s man and help develop an attitudinal shift for his future. It fuses together many of the contemporary issues which beset the bedraggled collective male psyche of today’s modern man. I have used many subtly manipulated icons from a wide collection of historical influences, some apparent, others hidden within the interpretation, but all pertinent and powerful. The concepts are played with and manipulated in a way that is reminiscent of a Phoenix from the Flames. This sense of sheer power can leave the viewer with an uneasy feeling of loss as it brings together an unholy alliance of fatality with fertility. This fascinating fusion of high ideals and fearful uncertainty somehow manages to question the very basis of the presumed male perception. A closer look will leave the viewer with a sense of wonder and optimism for the future. I do hope this challenges any stereotypical ideals and is allowed to stand proud for all to enjoy.

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