Thursday 20 January 2011

Keep off the Grass

I felt so good after the last session that I was determined to have another go. I decided to make a few changes to add to the whole mind-body-spirit experience. First of all I ran myself a lovely hot bath with cedarwood essential oils. I started to play some mood music to create a more intense atmosphere and lower my heartbeat rhythms. However, I had to stop this after ten minutes as listening to the sea shore kept making me want to go for a pee, and this was making the bath water cloudy.
I thought a stimulus to get me in the mood might be a good idea so I phoned up this dodgy mate I know and asked him for some stuff, he gave me a codliver oil tablet and told me to suck a fishermans friend.

After the bath I lit up a wankee candle to help soothe my nasal senses and  It didn’t take long before a creative breakthrough started to kick in .I had entered a relaxed state of  mind and body that was giving me a sixth sense as I replicated this extraordinary experience in art. I found myself in a dark open space full of vigorous unkempt grass. This can be seen in the brush strokes of my mind. I reconnected with my inner child experiences of the past. I found this new indulgence invigorating, imaginative and inspirational.  While I was in this self-hypnotic state I found myself calling the dominant left brain Eric and the right brain Edith.

As I painted using my left brain I could definitely feel more masculine in my behaviour as I started belching and farting. However, when the non-dominant right brain started to influence me more I started to have cravings for chocolate and handbags. After the initial squabbling the two seemed to get on with each other and inspiration took formation of my imagination. A tour of my mind with a brush in my hand travelled through depths of time that seemed endless in a spirit of wellbeing.
The finished painting is below I do hope you like the outcome.

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