Wednesday 26 January 2011

Feet First

This is the third and last session in self- hypnotic painting. I had been given a leaflet at the first visit and we had all been encouraged to exercise our minds in our own surroundings. This session was devoted to our feet. The first exercise was to pick up a pencil with your toes. This is a lot harder than it looks. I practised with both feet for about ten minutes. Until my jaw started to ache. It’s surprising the grimace one has to make when intense concentration is required. I then went onto marbles and finally a lemon sherbet. After twenty minutes practice, Left brain Eric was able to pick up a Macoys salt and vinegar crisp all in one piece. He could also turn the TV on and off with the remote control using his little toe. The good thing about choosing the crisps is that afterwards you can let the cat lick all the salt from between your toes. I think it’s good to be tickled in a strange place now and again. Right brain Edith had excelled herself by being able to unpeel a banana and pick up a credit card. These two disciplines alone will increase her chances of finding the perfect partner and lead to a long happy relationship. If you find this hard to believe then close your eyes and hitch a ride on a fantasy wagon in search of an ideal soul mate. In fact a good friend of mine who is training to run a triathlon told me you can do all these exercises using your buttocks. He’s picked up a nut wrench using this technique; this gives a new perspective to the word ironman. Positioning for this is crucial as you gently lower yourself in the squat position or you could end up with numb nuts. You try it, remember this is not a race; take your time, it may take a while to get your timing right on your clench and release.

Health and Safety: If you do decide to be adventurous and use this method please make sure the pencil is lying down, or a long slow waddle to the nearest A&E could be embarrassing. 

I asked my partner to blind fold me and pick an item at random for me to discover with my feet. The finished painting is below. By the way the item they chose was a poinsettia.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Keep off the Grass

I felt so good after the last session that I was determined to have another go. I decided to make a few changes to add to the whole mind-body-spirit experience. First of all I ran myself a lovely hot bath with cedarwood essential oils. I started to play some mood music to create a more intense atmosphere and lower my heartbeat rhythms. However, I had to stop this after ten minutes as listening to the sea shore kept making me want to go for a pee, and this was making the bath water cloudy.
I thought a stimulus to get me in the mood might be a good idea so I phoned up this dodgy mate I know and asked him for some stuff, he gave me a codliver oil tablet and told me to suck a fishermans friend.

After the bath I lit up a wankee candle to help soothe my nasal senses and  It didn’t take long before a creative breakthrough started to kick in .I had entered a relaxed state of  mind and body that was giving me a sixth sense as I replicated this extraordinary experience in art. I found myself in a dark open space full of vigorous unkempt grass. This can be seen in the brush strokes of my mind. I reconnected with my inner child experiences of the past. I found this new indulgence invigorating, imaginative and inspirational.  While I was in this self-hypnotic state I found myself calling the dominant left brain Eric and the right brain Edith.

As I painted using my left brain I could definitely feel more masculine in my behaviour as I started belching and farting. However, when the non-dominant right brain started to influence me more I started to have cravings for chocolate and handbags. After the initial squabbling the two seemed to get on with each other and inspiration took formation of my imagination. A tour of my mind with a brush in my hand travelled through depths of time that seemed endless in a spirit of wellbeing.
The finished painting is below I do hope you like the outcome.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Walk the Line

Last week I went to a dinner party where I had a long chat with a psychologist who gave me some advice on how to develop my mind and art at the same time.

He advised me to ”turn off” my dominant left brain and “turn on” my non- dominant right brain with some exercises. This will force a cognitive shift and suppress the left brain completely. It’s at this stage the left brain will try to talk to the right brain and try to use increasing amounts of persuasion to relinquish its power. You may need to be firm with it at this stage as some people have an enlarged corpus collosum connecting the two parts of the brain. This could affect creativity as it fights with reasoning.
I was told to find a comfortable place to sit on my own, where I could close my eyes, unlock my senses, and switch off my left brain. I focused my closed eyes observing every variation and undulation of a form that I desired. This would show my creativity as freedom lines.
This pure contour is a way to improve my use of senses, sight and touch. Feeling your way around an object can increase the intensity of your stroke. This tactile approach will give a  stronger communication to your brain as to its qualities whether, soft, hard, furry, bumpy, sticky, etc.This will suppress the left brain as it gets bored easily and switches off, leaving the right brain “in charge”. A certain amount of restraint will be required at this point as all this excitement may be too much to handle all at once. You will need to build yourself up to a full workout over the coming weeks. Short, sharp bursts should be avoided and thrill-seekers beware of the consequences’.
These lineal movements exceeded my expectations, giving me a truly magical experience. Below is the finished painting.

After 20 minutes open your eyes and try juggling your balls, not only will it improve your hand-eye coordination but it will definitely stimulate your imagination. Also you could try doing a jigsaw puzzle with the picture side down on a glass coffee table. Get a close friend to stand over the puzzle while you get under the table and give verbal instructions on where you want the pieces to go. This will bring you closer together as you get to know each other better.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Time Between Times

Time Between Times
As the sun sets in the west

The trees stand proud, transparent in their beauty
Reaching out using their vulnerability to embrace us
Displaying their glory
As we admire their new beginnings
The winters harvest taken from the land.
We reflect in our thoughts of doubt
And hold on to the moments we cherished
Spirit Keeper of the West replenish my wellbeing

Embrace my mantras, celebrate my fullness
Shrug off that narrow field of vision

Don’t crown ourselves in misery

freedom in the light of this joyous moon
Let go the shackles of my mind.

Come let’s rejoice in triumph

Monday 3 January 2011

Under The Stair

Under The Stair



It's a cold dark place

Under the stair

Shoved in the dark

Out of the glare

Trembling with fear

Trying to see

For someone so young

Why is it me?