Tuesday 19 June 2012

Mothers Advice

We all remember things our mothers used to say. These sayings have been around since the beginning of time, and I can still hear her today, as I hear myself repeating some of them. Do you remember these? I do!
Mothers advice
  • Don't pick at it! it will get infected.
  • Don't crack your knuckles like that, you'll get arthritis when you grow up.
  • Stand up straight and take your hands out of your pockets.
  • Stop picking your nose.
  • Use a hanky not the back of your hand.
  • Don't come crying to me if you kill yourself doing that.
  • [When looking at the page 3 girl in the Sun]  don’t look at that for too long or you'll go blind.
  • Have you been for a number 2.
  • When was the last time you went for a number 2?
  • This might sting a little bit but it’s for your own good
  • Don’t stick that in your mouth you don’t know where it’s been
  • Don't sit too close to the TV, you'll ruin your eyes.
  • Don’t forget to wash behind your foreskin.
  • Don’t forget to cover the toilet seat, you don’t know what you might catch.
  • When was the last time you washed behind your ears?
  • Have you washed your belly button out?
  • If you don’t wash between your toes you’ll get cheese growing in there
  • If you don’t hurry up we will leave without you.
  • What have you been doing in these shoes?
  • When was the last time you changed your pants
  • You’ll never get a girlfriend looking like that
  • When was the last time you had a bath?
  • What’s that mark on your neck?
  • In my day we only spoke when we were spoken to.
  • Don’t back chat me or I’ll tell your father
  • I told you not to go near him, he’s an idiot
  • Don’t worry it will all come out in the wash
  • I don't care if you're not sorry, say it anyway.
  • Don’t you dare clean those muddy boots in my sink.
  • If you're going to do that, do it outside.
  • If you think you're going to get away with that you have another thing coming.
  • Don't even think of it.
  • You look as though you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards.
  • Finish your plate, there are starving people in Africa.
  • If you don't have room for peas, you don't have room for dessert.
  • Eat it, it's good for you.
  • Some day you'll learn to like it.
  • Just take two more bites.
  • If you don't eat your vegetables you'll get scurvy
  • Eat your carrots, you’ll be able to see in the dark.
  • What do you mean you don't like spinach? Popeye eats it every day.
  • If they told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?
  • I don't care if everyone else is doing it.
  • I don't care if Pete’s mom lets him. I'm not Pete’s mum.
  • Why don't you be more like so and so? He seems like a nice boy.
  • Just tell them sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Then they'll leave you alone.
  • Don't let them talk you into anything.
  • You have a mind of your own, why did you listen to them?
  • You can't tell a book by it's cover.
  • They're just saying that because they're jealous.
  • You just hold your head up high and never mind what everyone's saying.
  • This room looks like a pig sty.
  • You call this clean?
  • Put it back where you got it or where it belongs.
  • How can you find anything in this mess?
  • This doesn't belong on the floor. Hang it up.
  • You're just like your father.
  • You don't see your father and I doing that do you?
  • I don't care if it’s yours, just give it to him.
  • Ask your father.
  • Tell your father I'm not speaking to him.
  • Don't do as I do, do as I say.
  • As long as you live under my roof...
  • Life is never fair.
  • Mind your P's and Q's.
  • If you don't like it, go live somewhere else.
  • It's for your own good.
  • This hurts me more than it hurts you.

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