Wednesday 13 April 2011

Right Handful

Distortion of the Portion

A Distortion of the portion
Is an amazing sight to see?

A true display of beauty
I’m sure you will agree

A distraction of the expansion
Shows a beacon of delight

Best seen in hibernation
All curled up nice & tight

A correction of the extension
Makes it firm without a wobble

No planning permission required
For this extended knobble

A caution of the proportion
Creates an illusion draped in bling

Protection not infection
For this banana sling

We love the tighty whities
As they break all the rules

Just the perfect fitting
For the family jewels

These are boxers not Budgie Smugglers, but I’m sure the one on the right must be hiding a pink cockatoo.

Monday 11 April 2011

Slash & Friends

Happy Easter everyone. Hope you enjoy some eggs I made just for you.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Oops!... I Did It Again

These blocks interact with each other as they interplay to form an arrangement of movement. These rhythm changes in one form or another are creating a visual counter-movement as they produce a spiral sequence conveying the sensation of dynamic forces. These “significant forms” arise from the space created leaving independent content to express another form. These hidden energies can be highlighted by shape or colour. In this case I formed a void in the shape of an arrow. The colours I eventually used were at random and do not form any relationships. This sculpture would lend itself easily to complementary, simultaneous, or proportional contrasts.

Monday 4 April 2011

Hairy Violets

I saw these daises, dandelions and some hairy violets, just waiting to be used.

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